// Simple sketch to display protein 3D structure in PDB format. // It uses Proscene for view manipulation. Download Proscene from: // http://code.google.com/p/proscene/ // By Andres Colubri import processing.opengl.*; import codeanticode.glgraphics.*; import remixlab.proscene.*; String PDB_FILE = "abh0.pdb"; // PDB file to read. // Some parameters to control the visual appearance: float scaleFactor = 5; // Size scale factor. int renderMode = 1; // 0 = lines, 1 = flat ribbons int ribbonDetail = 1; // Ribbon detail: from 1 (highest) to 10 (lowest). float helixWidth = 10; // Controls the helix diameter. ArrayList models; BSpline splineSide1; BSpline splineCenter; BSpline splineSide2; PVector flipTestV; int[] ribbonWidth; float avex, avey, avez; int natoms; Scene scene; InteractiveFrame frame; int HELIX = 0; int STRAND = 1; int COIL = 2; int LHANDED = -1; int RHANDED = 1; void setup() { size(800, 600, GLConstants.GLGRAPHICS); scene = new Scene(this); //scene.setGridIsDrawn(true); scene.setAxisIsDrawn(false); scene.setRadius(100); scene.showAll(); frame = new InteractiveFrame(scene); frame.setPosition(new PVector(0, 0, 0)); splineSide1 = new BSpline(false); splineCenter = new BSpline(false); splineSide2 = new BSpline(false); ribbonWidth = new int[3]; ribbonWidth[HELIX] = 10; ribbonWidth[STRAND] = 7; ribbonWidth[COIL] = 2; flipTestV = new PVector(); loadPDB(PDB_FILE); } void draw() { GLGraphics renderer = (GLGraphics)g; renderer.beginGL(); background(0); pointLight(250, 250, 250, 0, 0, 400); GLModel model; for (int i = 0; i < models.size(); i++) { model = (GLModel)models.get(i); // Paints structure red or blue depending on // whether the mouse is hovering over the // center of the structure. pushMatrix(); frame.applyTransformation(this); if (frame.grabsMouse()) model.setTint(200, 50, 50, 230); else model.setTint(50, 50, 200, 230); popMatrix(); renderer.model(model); } renderer.endGL(); } void loadPDB(String filename) { String strLines[]; String xstr, ystr, zstr; float x, y, z; int res, res0; int nmdl; String atstr, resstr; HashMap residue; ArrayList residues; ArrayList atoms; GLModel model; PVector v; String s; strLines = loadStrings(filename); models = new ArrayList(); avex = avey = avez = 0; natoms = 0; boolean readingModel = false; atoms = null; residues = null; res0 = -1; nmdl = -1; residue = null; model = null; for (int i = 0; i < strLines.length; i++) { s = strLines[i]; if (s.startsWith("MODEL") || (s.startsWith("ATOM") && nmdl == -1)) { nmdl++; residue = null; res0 = -1; atoms = new ArrayList(); residues = new ArrayList(); } if (s.startsWith("ATOM")) { atstr = s.substring(12, 15); atstr = atstr.trim(); resstr = s.substring(22, 26); resstr = resstr.trim(); res = parseInt(resstr); xstr = s.substring(30, 37); xstr = xstr.trim(); ystr = s.substring(38, 45); ystr = ystr.trim(); zstr = s.substring(46, 53); zstr = zstr.trim(); x = scaleFactor * parseFloat(xstr); y = scaleFactor * parseFloat(ystr); z = scaleFactor * parseFloat(zstr); v = new PVector(x, y, z); avex += x; avey += y; avez += z; natoms++; atoms.add(v); if (res0 != res) { if (residue != null) residues.add(residue); residue = new HashMap(); } residue.put(atstr, v); res0 = res; } if (s.startsWith("ENDMDL")) { if (residue != null) residues.add(residue); createRibbonModel(residues, model, models); float rgyr = calculateGyrRadius(atoms); residue = null; atoms = null; residues = null; } } if (residue != null) { if (residue != null) residues.add(residue); createRibbonModel(residues, model, models); float rgyr = calculateGyrRadius(atoms); atoms = null; residues = null; } // Centering model. avex /= natoms; avey /= natoms; avez /= natoms; for (int i = 0; i < models.size(); i++) { model = (GLModel)models.get(i); model.beginUpdateVertices(); for (int k = 0; k < model.getSize(); k++) { model.displaceVertex(k, -avex, -avey, -avez); } model.endUpdateVertices(); } println("Loaded PDB file with " + models.size() + " models."); } void createRibbonModel(ArrayList residues, GLModel model, ArrayList trj) { ArrayList vertices; ArrayList normals; vertices = new ArrayList(); normals = new ArrayList(); int[] ss = new int[residues.size()]; int[] handness = new int[residues.size()]; calculateSecStr(residues, ss, handness); for (int i = 0; i < residues.size(); i++) { constructControlPoints(residues, i, ss[i], handness[i]); if (renderMode == 0) { generateSpline(0, vertices); generateSpline(1, vertices); generateSpline(2, vertices); } else generateFlatRibbon(vertices, normals); } if (renderMode == 0) { model = new GLModel(this, vertices.size(), LINES, GLModel.STATIC); model.updateVertices(vertices); model.initColors(); model.setColors(255, 100); } else { model = new GLModel(this, vertices.size(), QUADS, GLModel.STATIC); model.updateVertices(vertices); model.initNormals(); model.updateNormals(normals); } trj.add(model); println("Adding new model with " + vertices.size() + " vertices."); } float calculateGyrRadius(ArrayList atoms) { PVector ati, atj; float dx, dy, dz; float r = 0; for (int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); i++) { ati = (PVector)atoms.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < atoms.size(); j++) { atj = (PVector)atoms.get(j); dx = ati.x - atj.x; dy = ati.y - atj.y; dz = ati.z - atj.z; r += dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz; } } return sqrt(r) / (atoms.size() + 1); } void calculateSecStr(ArrayList residues, int[] ss, int[] handness) { PVector c0, n1, ca1, c1, n2; HashMap res0, res1, res2; int n = residues.size(); float[] phi = new float[n]; float[] psi = new float[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i == 0 || i == n - 1) { phi[i] = 90; psi[i] = 90; } else { res0 = (HashMap)residues.get(i - 1); res1 = (HashMap)residues.get(i); res2 = (HashMap)residues.get(i + 1); c0 = (PVector)res0.get("C"); n1 = (PVector)res1.get("N"); ca1 = (PVector)res1.get("CA"); c1 = (PVector)res1.get("C"); n2 = (PVector)res2.get("N"); phi[i] = calculateTorsionalAngle(c0, n1, ca1, c1); psi[i] = calculateTorsionalAngle(n1, ca1, c1, n2); } } int firstHelix = 0; int nconsRHelix = 0; int nconsLHelix = 0; int firstStrand = 0; int nconsStrand = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Right-handed helix if ((dist(phi[i], psi[i], -60, -45) < 30) && (i < n - 1)) { if (nconsRHelix == 0) firstHelix = i; nconsRHelix++; } else { if (3 <= nconsRHelix) { for (int k = firstHelix; k < i; k++) { ss[k] = HELIX; handness[k] = RHANDED; } } nconsRHelix = 0; } // Left-handed helix if ((dist(phi[i], psi[i], +60, +45) < 30) && (i < n - 1)) { if (nconsLHelix == 0) firstHelix = i; nconsLHelix++; } else { if (3 <= nconsLHelix) { for (int k = firstHelix; k < i; k++) { ss[k] = HELIX; handness[k] = LHANDED; } } nconsLHelix = 0; } // Strand if ((dist(phi[i], psi[i], -110, +130) < 30) && (i < n - 1)) { if (nconsStrand == 0) firstStrand = i; nconsStrand++; } else { if (2 <= nconsStrand) { for (int k = firstStrand; k < i; k++) { ss[k] = STRAND; handness[k] = RHANDED; } } nconsStrand = 0; } ss[i] = COIL; handness[i] = RHANDED; } } float calculateTorsionalAngle(PVector at0, PVector at1, PVector at2, PVector at3) { PVector r01 = PVector.sub(at0, at1); PVector r32 = PVector.sub(at3, at2); PVector r12 = PVector.sub(at1, at2); PVector p = r12.cross(r01); PVector q = r12.cross(r32); PVector r = r12.cross(q); float u = q.dot(q); float v = r.dot(r); float a; if (u <= 0.0 || v <= 0.0) { a = 360.0; } else { float u1 = p.dot(q); // u1 = p * q float v1 = p.dot(r); // v1 = p * r u = u1 / sqrt(u); v = v1 / sqrt(v); if (abs(u) > 0.01 || abs(v) > 0.01) a = degrees(atan2(v, u)); else a = 360.0; } return a; } void generateSpline(int n, ArrayList vertices) { int ui; float u; PVector v0, v1; v0 = new PVector(); v1 = new PVector(); if (n == 0) splineSide1.feval(0, v1); else if (n == 1) splineCenter.feval(0, v1); else splineSide2.feval(0, v1); for (ui = 1; ui <= 10; ui ++) { if (ui % ribbonDetail == 0) { u = 0.1 * ui; v0.set(v1); if (n == 0) splineSide1.feval(u, v1); else if (n == 1) splineCenter.feval(u, v1); else splineSide2.feval(u, v1); vertices.add(new PVector(v0.x, v0.y, v0.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z)); } } } void generateFlatRibbon(ArrayList vertices, ArrayList normals) { PVector CentPoint0, CentPoint1; PVector Sid1Point0, Sid1Point1; PVector Sid2Point0, Sid2Point1; PVector Transversal, Tangent; PVector Normal0, Normal1; int ui; float u; CentPoint0 = new PVector(); CentPoint1 = new PVector(); Sid1Point0 = new PVector(); Sid1Point1 = new PVector(); Sid2Point0 = new PVector(); Sid2Point1 = new PVector(); Transversal = new PVector(); Tangent = new PVector(); Normal0 = new PVector(); Normal1 = new PVector(); // The initial geometry is generated. splineSide1.feval(0, Sid1Point1); splineCenter.feval(0, CentPoint1); splineSide2.feval(0, Sid2Point1); // The tangents at the three previous points are the same. splineSide2.deval(0, Tangent); // Vector transversal to the ribbon. Transversal = PVector.sub(Sid1Point1, Sid2Point1); //println("Transversal: " + Transversal); //println("Tangent: " + Tangent); // The normal is calculated. Normal1 = Transversal.cross(Tangent); Normal1.normalize(); //println("Normal1 0:" + Normal1); for (ui = 1; ui <= 10; ui ++) { if (ui % ribbonDetail == 0) { u = 0.1 * ui; // The geometry of the previous iteration is saved. Sid1Point0.set(Sid1Point1); CentPoint0.set(CentPoint1); Sid2Point0.set(Sid2Point1); Normal0.set(Normal1); // The new geometry is generated. splineSide1.feval(u, Sid1Point1); splineCenter.feval(u, CentPoint1); splineSide2.feval(u, Sid2Point1); // The tangents at the three previous points are the same. splineSide2.deval(u, Tangent); // Vector transversal to the ribbon. Transversal = PVector.sub(Sid1Point1, Sid2Point1); // The normal is calculated. Normal1 = Transversal.cross(Tangent); Normal1.normalize(); // The (Sid1Point0, Sid1Point1, MiddPoint0, MiddPoint1) face is drawn. vertices.add(new PVector(Sid1Point0.x, Sid1Point0.y, Sid1Point0.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal0.x, Normal0.y, Normal0.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(Sid1Point1.x, Sid1Point1.y, Sid1Point1.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal1.x, Normal1.y, Normal1.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(CentPoint1.x, CentPoint1.y, CentPoint1.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal1.x, Normal1.y, Normal1.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(CentPoint0.x, CentPoint0.y, CentPoint0.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal0.x, Normal0.y, Normal0.z)); // (MiddPoint0, MiddPoint1, Sid2Point0, Sid2Point1) plane is drawn. vertices.add(new PVector(Sid2Point0.x, Sid2Point0.y, Sid2Point0.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal0.x, Normal0.y, Normal0.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(Sid2Point1.x, Sid2Point1.y, Sid2Point1.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal1.x, Normal1.y, Normal1.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(CentPoint1.x, CentPoint1.y, CentPoint1.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal1.x, Normal1.y, Normal1.z)); vertices.add(new PVector(CentPoint0.x, CentPoint0.y, CentPoint0.z)); normals.add(new PVector(Normal0.x, Normal0.y, Normal0.z)); //println("Normal0: " + ui + " " + Normal0); //println("Normal1: " + ui + " " + Normal1); } } } /****************************************************************************** * The code in the following three functions was based in the theory presented in * the following article: * "Algorithm for ribbon models of proteins." * Authors: Mike Carson and Charles E. Bugg * University of Alabama at Birmingham, Comprehensive Cancer Center * 252 BHS, THT 79, University Station, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA * Published in: J.Mol.Graphics 4, pp. 121-122 (1986) ******************************************************************************/ // Shifts the control points one place to the left. void shiftControlPoints() { splineSide1.shiftBSplineCPoints(); splineCenter.shiftBSplineCPoints(); splineSide2.shiftBSplineCPoints(); } // Adds a new control point to the arrays CPCenter, CPRight and CPLeft void addControlPoints(PVector ca0, PVector ox0, PVector ca1, int ss, int handness) { PVector A, B, C, D, p0, cpt0, cpt1, cpt2; A = PVector.sub(ca1, ca0); B = PVector.sub(ox0, ca0); // Vector normal to the peptide plane (pointing outside in the case of the // alpha helix). C = A.cross(B); // Vector contained in the peptide plane (perpendicular to its direction). D = C.cross(A); // Normalizing vectors. C.normalize(); D.normalize(); // Flipping test (to avoid self crossing in the strands). if ((ss != HELIX) && (90.0 < degrees(PVector.angleBetween(flipTestV, D)))) { // Flip detected. The plane vector is inverted. D.mult(-1.0); } // The central control point is constructed. cpt0 = linearComb(0.5, ca0, 0.5, ca1); splineCenter.setCPoint(3, cpt0); if (ss == HELIX) { // When residue i is contained in a helix, the control point is moved away // from the helix axis, along the C direction. p0 = new PVector(); splineCenter.getCPoint(3, p0); cpt0 = linearComb(1.0, p0, handness * helixWidth, C); splineCenter.setCPoint(3, cpt0); } // The control points for the side ribbons are constructed. cpt1 = linearComb(1.0, cpt0, +ribbonWidth[ss], D); splineSide1.setCPoint(3, cpt1); cpt2 = linearComb(1.0, cpt0, -ribbonWidth[ss], D); splineSide2.setCPoint(3, cpt2); // Saving the plane vector (for the flipping test in the next call). flipTestV.set(D); } void constructControlPoints(ArrayList residues, int res, int ss, int handness) { PVector ca0, ox0, ca1; PVector p0, p1, p2, p3; p1 = new PVector(); p2 = new PVector(); p3 = new PVector(); HashMap res0, res1; res0 = res1 = null; if (res == 0) { // The control points 2 and 3 are created. flipTestV.set(0, 0, 0); res0 = (HashMap)residues.get(res); res1 = (HashMap)residues.get(res + 1); ca0 = (PVector)res0.get("CA"); ox0 = (PVector)res0.get("O"); ca1 = (PVector)res1.get("CA"); addControlPoints(ca0, ox0, ca1, ss, handness); splineSide1.copyCPoints(3, 2); splineCenter.copyCPoints(3, 2); splineSide2.copyCPoints(3, 2); res0 = (HashMap)residues.get(res + 1); res1 = (HashMap)residues.get(res + 2); ca0 = (PVector)res0.get("CA"); ox0 = (PVector)res0.get("O"); ca1 = (PVector)res1.get("CA"); addControlPoints(ca0, ox0, ca1, ss, handness); // We still need the two first control points. // Moving backwards along the cp_center[2] - cp_center[3] direction. splineCenter.getCPoint(2, p2); splineCenter.getCPoint(3, p3); p1 = linearComb(2.0, p2, -1, p3); splineCenter.setCPoint(1, p1); splineSide1.setCPoint(1, linearComb(1.0, p1, +ribbonWidth[ss], flipTestV)); splineSide2.setCPoint(1, linearComb(1.0, p1, -ribbonWidth[ss], flipTestV)); p0 = linearComb(2.0, p1, -1, p2); splineCenter.setCPoint(0, p0); splineSide1.setCPoint(0, linearComb(1.0, p0, +ribbonWidth[ss], flipTestV)); splineSide2.setCPoint(0, linearComb(1.0, p0, -ribbonWidth[ss], flipTestV)); } else { shiftControlPoints(); if ((residues.size() - 1 == res) || (residues.size() - 2 == res)) { // Moving forward along the cp_center[1] - cp_center[2] direction. splineCenter.getCPoint(1, p1); splineCenter.getCPoint(2, p2); p3 = linearComb(2.0, p2, -1, p1); splineCenter.setCPoint(3, p3); splineSide1.setCPoint(3, linearComb(1.0, p3, +ribbonWidth[ss], flipTestV)); splineSide2.setCPoint(3, linearComb(1.0, p3, -ribbonWidth[ss], flipTestV)); } else { res0 = (HashMap)residues.get(res + 1); res1 = (HashMap)residues.get(res + 2); ca0 = (PVector)res0.get("CA"); ox0 = (PVector)res0.get("O"); ca1 = (PVector)res1.get("CA"); addControlPoints(ca0, ox0, ca1, ss, handness); } } splineSide1.updateMatrix3(); splineCenter.updateMatrix3(); splineSide2.updateMatrix3(); } PVector linearComb(float scalar0, PVector vector0, float scalar1, PVector vector1) { return PVector.add(PVector.mult(vector0, scalar0), PVector.mult(vector1, scalar1)); }